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Every time we book a trip, we look to a variety of resources to help us get the best price, hotel, airline, meals … etc. There is a great deal of resources to choose from, making it difficult to choose which ones are trustworthy. The resources come from the digital world, mostly in the form of blogs. In the print world, there are books and magazines. Both provide guidance on seemingly every type of travel from luxury to adventure. There is one resource that is not used a great deal on this subject: TED Talks. These “talks”  are videos providing a wealth of information on numerous topics from experts in videos. They provide insights to help you maximize what you are learning about it. When it comes to travel, the talks range from the experience of travel to creating a desire to visit an off-the-map destination. Below are a few TED talks that will give you a new appreciation of travel.


  1. The Surprising Thing I Learned Sailing Solo Around the World by Dame Ellen MacArthur — This was added because it provides the inspiration and motivation needed to travel solo. The thought of traveling solo, much less on a boat, can be nerve-racking. Dame MacArthur shares the insights she gained on her trip, which created a new view of travel and the world. From this trip, she found that the world is a “place of interlocking circles and finite resources.”
  2. Magical Houses, Made of Bamboo by Elora Hardy — The thought of using bamboo to build a home was unheard of until Elora Hardy came along. She builds beautiful, sustainable homes made of this natural resource, which is just as strong as steel. Each one is built by hand and intricately designed. Just looking at this type of home in Bali makes one want to travel there and stay in one. And you can! You can stay in one at Camaya Bali. You can also tour the homes that Hardy and her company, IBUKU, have built in Green Village in Bali.
  3. How and Why Travel Transforms You by Francis Tapon — Tapon is no stranger to traveling the world. In 2007, he quit his job to do just that. He has an impressive resume when it comes to the places he has visited and the journeys he has taken. For example, he has walked across Spain and hiked the Appalachian Trail and Pacific Crest Trail. In this talk, he shares how each trip gave him valuable insights into his strength and character.

There are a great deal more TED Talks on travel, but the ones above stand out because they us help to see travel not just as something to do, but as something that helps us evolve. Aside from relaxation, travel makes us more aware of the world and ourselves. See what you can learn about yourself on your next trip with this new view of travel!