Many people decide to save money by having a “staycation” rather than going away. It is important to make sure that this time is not spent doing the same old stuff. There are a few things that can be done to ensure that one leaves their staycation feeling...
If you love to travel, it’s a safe bet that the COVID-19 pandemic has been hard on you. To be sure, breaking quarantine to go on a vacation that you’ve been planning is a bad idea that puts you and hundreds of other people at risk, but there are other ways...
Many people find themselves wondering when life will return to normal. The better question is if life will return to normal, and what does “normal” mean anyway? We will see a “new normal” emerge as we return to work and play following the...
As the coronavirus pandemic continues to grip much of the world, countless industries and professional sectors have felt its impact — both in a present and future sense. Among the most affected industries is travel, which has generally remained in flux since the...
The diversity of the cuisine in Singapore is due to the many cultures that have a presence there. However, the influence of many other countries come together to form Singapore’s culinary scene. Let’s take a look at a few of Singapore’s popular dishes. ...